Florida Atlantic University
Douglas Cumming, J.D., Ph.D., CFA, is the DeSantis Distinguished Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship at the College of Business, Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida.
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Juan Manuel holds a Ph.D. in Accounting by the University of Valencia. Before joining Carlos III he was a lecturer (assistant professor) in the Department of Accounting and Finance at Lancaster University.
Western University in Canada
Professor Geoffrey Wood is Professor and DanCap Private Equity Chair of Innovation, and Department Chair DAN Management at Western University in Canada.
Texas A&M University
Since 1992, Hercules Haralambides is Professor of Maritime Economics and Logistics (MEL), having taught at 9 universities.
Durham University Business School
Dennis Philip holds a PhD in Finance. His research contributes to the understanding of the interactions between firm characteristics and financial markets.
Associate Professor
Cyprus University of Technology
Dr Andreou’s main interests are related to financial management, credit risk management, banking, behavioural finance and financial literacy.
Cyprus University of Technology
Neophytos Lambertides holds the position of Professor in Finance in the Department of Commerce, Finance and Shipping.
Cyprus University of Technology
Photis M. Panayidesis Professor in Shipping and Maritime Economics at the Cyprus University of Technology and Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics.