History and Mission

    Founded in 2019 by Dr Panayiotis C. Andreou and Dr Neophytos Lambertides, the Financial Management & Accounting Research Conference (FMARC) serves as a dynamic platform for cutting-edge research in finance and accounting.
    One of FMARC's key activities is its annual conference, which brings together respected academics from around the world to discuss current research and challenges in these fields. The primary objective of the conference is to encourage the sharing of scientific research, not just among scholars but also with practitioners and government policymakers. This aligns with FMARC's overall goal of driving better financial and accounting policies that are relevant and impactful.
    Associate Professor
    Cyprus University of Technology
    Dr Andreou’s main interests are related to financial management, credit risk management, banking, behavioural finance and financial literacy.
    Cyprus University of Technology
    Neophytos Lambertides holds the position of Professor in Finance in the Department of Commerce, Finance and Shipping.